Early Christmas at Trust K9

Trust K9 had a break from bed bugs for an afternoon to have an early Christmas celebration to send off our colleague Tracey in style-she is off for 6 weeks to visit Australia, Hong Kong and Thailand (alright for some!)

At Trust K9 we know pretty much all there is to know about bed bugs.  Bed bugs spread by hitch- hiking onto people’s luggage, handbags and clothes. Bed bugs are not just in the UK – they are a worldwide problem.  Anywhere with a regular changeover of residents are a high risk for bed bugs, hence why hotels and hostels experience infestations. Australia and Thailand are popular with back packers and also a risk for bringing bed bugs back, so Tracey has already booked in to get Trust K9 to pick up her luggage on her return to be taken away and heated up to remove any chance of taking any bed bugs or their eggs home.  Find out about our mobile heat options here