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What treatment is right for my bed bug infestation?

Choosing the right treatment to eradicate your bed bug problem can be a hard decision to make. There are lots of different types of treatment available and they all have pros and cons.

We have detailed the treatments Trust K9 offer and when we, and our customers, feel these are the best option.

Heat treatment – Full Structural

Trust K9 - Bed bugs specialists - heat-treatment iconExcellent for eradicating bed bugs quickly! This treatment is great for customers who cannot take the bed bugs any longer; although expensive it will kill all life stages during the treatment time. This treatment is not practical for everyone as you are required to be out of your home for 24 hours (14 hour treatment time, 10 hours cooling time) and we cannot heat above the third floor.
» Read in greater details about Trust K9 heat treatments

Chemical treatment

Trust K9 - Bed bugs specialists - chemical-treatment iconGreat all round! This treatment takes 5 weeks to kill all of the bed bugs and although this isn’t an appealing aspect the chemical is actually active for a lot longer. This treatment is great for giving you long lasting protection for example if it is in a neighbouring property. There also isn’t much prep work for this treatment and you only need to be out of the treated rooms for 2 hours.
» Read more about Trust K9 chemical treatments

Canine search

Trust K9 - Bed bugs specialists - Bed bug iconThis form of bed bug search is far more accurate than a visual search. Although costly it minimises disruption and is far quicker than a visual search. Canines are alerting on the strongest point of the scent of bed bugs therefore confirming if an infestation is present. This search is great for low level infestations or larger buildings.
» Find out about Trust K9 Canine search

There are also a few other options on the market, however please be aware Trust K9 does not offer these treatments as we do not feel that on their own they are sufficient enough to eradicate an infestation.

Heat treatment – Pod/Tent

This treatment is great for eradicating bed bugs in furniture; however this treatment will not kill bugs in the building such as skirting boards and plug sockets. This treatment would need to be teamed with a chemical spray to kill any bed bugs in the building and this would still take up to 5 weeks to kill all of those bed bugs.

Steam treatment

This treatment is a great starting point especially when you are trying to eradicate them yourself. Bed bugs die at 46 degrees Celsius so anything you get above this temperature will kill all life stages of bed bugs. However surrounding areas to the steam will be cooler and this can push the bed bugs further into furniture and the building as they try to escape. Steam also has no long lasting affect so a chemical barrier would also need to be applied and no further steam could be carried out as this would wash away the chemical barrier.

Freeze treatment

This treatment will kill bed bugs; however reaching temperatures low enough can take a long time. Freezing is great for soft furnishings and clothing that can be placed in a chest freezer.

Please email us or call us on 01708 843137 today for more information

Questions to ask when deciding what bed bug treatment to use

At Trust K9 we are aware that we do not offer the only bed bug treatment on the market. We believe that healthy competition and variety is a great thing.

However we do receive calls now and then from potential clients who have had bad experiences with other companies. We have compiled a list that should help you find the right Bed Bugs Specialists.


We all like to watch the pennies where we can and of course it can be very tempting to go for the cheapest bed bugs treatment. The best questions to ask yourself are:

Trust K9 Bed Bugs Specialists - pound icon“Am I getting value for money?”
The treatment may be the cheapest you have found but does it cover the cost of follow up visits? If not, will the follow up visits need to be paid for at a later date?

Is the treatment guaranteed?
If there is a guarantee find out what is required from you for the guarantee to be valid. Certain companies may be able to spread the cost of a treatment, this is a great question to ask as you may be able to purchase a treatment that is better for your needs.

Trust K9 Bed Bugs Specialists - luggage iconWhat is required from you?
Do you need to bag everything up? Do you need to throw things away? Find out if this is necessary and why. Not all companies require this and it will save you a lot of time and possibly money if they don’t.

What is the actual treatment?
Is it a chemical spray treatment? If it is where is it sprayed? Are they using steam? Can this damage furniture? Are they using heat? What is the heat applied to?

Asking all these questions will help you work out the best treatment for you and help you understand how effectively it will kill bed bugs. It is also a good idea to check if there will be 2nd or 3rd visits and when these need to be scheduled for. If there are second or third visits find out why they are required.


Trust K9 Bed Bugs Specialists - search iconPeople do not want to admit to having bed bugs. However customers may be willing to post testimonials anonymously.

Does the company have any customer reviews? Bed bug specialists?
It is very easy for any company to claim they are a bed bug specialist and have a dedicated website. However a little digging through a search engine should be able to clarify this for you! If you are not using a bed bug specialist please bear in mind they are dealing with a lot of pests on a daily basis ranging from mice to moths and are retaining a lot of information regarding each pest.

Compare Compare Compare!

Trust K9 Bed Bugs Specialists - phone iconIf in doubt keep asking questions! Generally we would advise to put together 3-5 quotes, however the bed bug market is very vast with the different types of treatment. Call, call and call some more, there are facts about bed bugs that are fool proof and these can be seen in university studies. If still in doubt the bed bug foundation is an impartial service you can use for information on bed bugs and their treatments.

Trust K9 at UKHA Share Knowledge Day

Last week Trust K9’s staff members Claire, John and Dex the bed bugs sniffer dog attended the UKHA Share Knowledge Day.


We were next to Skopos and Spiezia Organics. It has been an excellent day presenting Trust K9 Bed Bugs Solutions to new potential clients, discussing possible bed bug problems and introducing Dex our bed bugs sniffer dog to the hotel industry. At the end of a busy day a raffle was drawn and there were lots of winners! Congratulations to everyone that won a prize. We will see you at the next UKHA event.

Bed Bug Foundation

Last week Trust K9 attended a meeting set up by the Bed Bug Foundation regarding Dog detection accreditation and a code of practice. This is a much needed tool in the work of bed bug detection as an overall standard would be a wonderful starting point for clients/customers looking for a starting point on finding the right company to initially detect there bed bug infestation.

Once the infestation is confirmed the Bed bug foundation can then assist with finding the correct companies for treatment.

Please visit their website following this link.

The bed bug foundation is a non-profit organisation dedicated to raising awareness of bed bugs throughout Europe.