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3 Articles

Trust K9 Highlights

Trust K9 has had a long year fighting and sniffing out bed bugs. 2012 has been a great year, and here are some of our highlights:

  • This time last year, our Bed Bug Dogs Alfie and Bess were bringing up 8 gorgeous pups
  • We kept 2 of those pups who are now fully trained bed bug dogs giving us the largest UK dog team , of 5 dogs
  • In November we attended the NPTA’s Pest Tech Exhibition -Mark was a guest speaker with his sidekick Lola, showing the audience how she sniffs out bed bugs
  • Trust K9 opened a second office in Wiltshire
  • We successfully treated an entire Nursing Home using bed bug dogs and heat treatment
  • Trust K9’s bed bug dogs gave the all clear for the Olympians
  • Trust K9 launched ‘Mobile Heat’ option

After such a busy year, we have decided to give our staff and dogs a well-deserved break over Christmas and New Year to come back refreshed in 2013. Click here for information whilst we are closed.


Getting Rid of Bed Bugs whilst Pregnant

Trust K9 understand that finding out you have bed bugs can be distressing at the best of times.  However, when you are preparing to bring a new baby into your house, the last thing you need to worry about, or waste time on, is getting rid of bed bugs.

Trust K9 frequently get calls from pregnant women who have discovered they have bed bugs.  The most common scenario is that they want to get rid of the bed bugs before the baby arrives – and they want to know this for SURE.

Whilst chemical is an effective way to treat bed bugs when applied correctly, it can take weeks, sometimes months, to fully get rid of all of the bed bugs.  Heat offers an immediate solution.  We heat up the structure of your house or flat for around 24 hours to ensure that all of the bed bugs and eggs die immediately.

But how do you know for sure that the bed bug treatment was effective?  Trust K9 can then use our highly skilled team of sniffer dogs to give you the peace of mind that the bed bugs really have gone.

Even if they feel they can wait a month or so for all the bed bugs to die using the chemical treatment, most expectant mothers want to minimise the amount of pesticide used in their home so close to delivery of their new-born. Heat kills bed bugs immediately without the need for chemical.

A combination of bed bug heat treatment and bed bug sniffer dogs gives you an immediate solution for bed bugs, and the peace of mind that you can get on with the important task of preparing for the arrival of your new baby.


Early Christmas at Trust K9

Trust K9 had a break from bed bugs for an afternoon to have an early Christmas celebration to send off our colleague Tracey in style-she is off for 6 weeks to visit Australia, Hong Kong and Thailand (alright for some!)

At Trust K9 we know pretty much all there is to know about bed bugs.  Bed bugs spread by hitch- hiking onto people’s luggage, handbags and clothes. Bed bugs are not just in the UK – they are a worldwide problem.  Anywhere with a regular changeover of residents are a high risk for bed bugs, hence why hotels and hostels experience infestations. Australia and Thailand are popular with back packers and also a risk for bringing bed bugs back, so Tracey has already booked in to get Trust K9 to pick up her luggage on her return to be taken away and heated up to remove any chance of taking any bed bugs or their eggs home.  Find out about our mobile heat options here